Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Seize the Tuesday #20: Not Going to BEA *Cue the tears*

 Seize the Tuesday is a book blogger meme created by myself and the Let’s Get Lost Buddies Street Team, to share stories about how we’ve seized the Tuesday, with a special focus on the particular book we’re reading. We’ll share our posts online with the hashtag: #LetsAllGetLost. 

     The idea is to share little ways in which you may have embraced Bree’s motto of seizing the Tuesday. To relate it to books, you can talk about what book you’re reading, and how you stole some moments from the day to enjoy reading. It doesn’t have to be about reading, but we all know that a well-read day is a day seized. The idea is not just to help spread the word on LGL, but also to remind people to live fully, even/especially if that means spending a part of your day reading.

     The past three-day weekend has left me scrolling through Twitter and Instagram only to find that nearly EVERYONE is posting pictures of NYC in preparation for #BEA15.

    Sadness. Sadness is what I feel. Unfortunately, I couldn't make it to BEA this year, but I will be going to a couple other YA conferences later in the year, so I have that to look forward to!

     In case you aren't familiar with BEA, here's the link to the website: BEA Site

     For those of you who will be walking into the Javits Center tomorrow morning... HAVE FUN! Have so much fun that you have to come back and share some of it with those of us who didn't manage to fly up. Enjoy every minute of it, and be sure to post tons of pictures!

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