Thursday, June 16, 2016

Under-Appreciated Books Blog Tour Sign-Up!

Everyone has that ONE BOOK that they wish more people would read. The one that seemingly no one has heard of. The one that deserves all of the recognition in the world. The one that changed your life. The one that you just want to spread the word about.

Well, here's your chance.

Today I want to introduce to you the UAB Tour, or, the UnderAppreciated Books blog tour. I've recently been wondering about a lot of books that seem not to get much attention, and I've decided that this just won't do. It's time we take matters into our own hands.

I set up this blog tour so that we can all have a chance to spotlight the book that is the most UnderAppreciated in each of our opinions. There are six days to the tour, and I will be joining in and posting on one of the days, myself. I'm already trying to decide which book I want to promote for my tour date.

The tour will run from September 18-24th, that way everyone has more than enough time to get their posts put together, and all correspondences have more than enough time to arrive (been running into some technical difficulties lately with my emails).

If you're interested, please fill out THIS FORM. Submissions will close on the 29th of the month, and I will send out confirmation emails on the 30th. Please respond to the confirmations by the 2nd, to maximize everyone's time.

I'm so excited to get started on this! Feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns you may have!


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